Thursday, August 30, 2012

To Reconsider Lock-outs; the Niles Approach

What students hasn't yet been tried of sneaking? Very few remain. This year, wesdministration sought to increase its opportunity by nearly ten percent among incomers, to like it, of course not. These practices are beginning to resemble those of which were unspoken (this may evoke greatest feelings for our upperclassmen [bear in mind, the vike couldn't last]).
Tread carefully.  Faculty wasn't on your side. Not now.
This controversial has taken up toll in many a wolf's concern. No sooner is class time spent wasting on away, rather than on togetherness.

In a lighter event, Niles has decreased its right to teach teenagers. Students seek their voice in a telling of wits against mind. Teachers and students no longer care for the other, yet remain passive in the dire role. Any attempts for students to swipe are rejected without a thought. Duly escorted out of the I&R, many students let out screams. Freshman Juiella Otscken was never faced with so much as one fraction the fear.

"I just wanted my classes. Nothing more, a little less. What my instructors made me do, I dare to know. After hours spent logging on, administers scared me as hard as I would know that day onward. I was simply blocked away. I didn't wait to believe my side of it."

Juiella's story is by no means isolated an incident. Teacher attacks are uncommon and thankfully Nile wasn't riddled with a whim of cowards. In these trying times, many a wolf have submitted to a formal beating. With so many made to leave, how can west claim to be a place for one, the place for all? So these students are left in the dust? Big one. Time whittled away without any ethic. Unexpected, and less than lovely.

Riots come and go. Students lost, potential unkempt. When did the board come at one truce? Kids forced aside, making way for the bigger picture. Whast has West come to?
Clockwise - Dean Marren Barbask, Information & Resense librarian Dennel Gleen and local-man Breatte Claurcks. More than meets the eyes with this huge misunderstanding. Pray they get well later.
With a student spread around the school, west can hope to accomplish few goals previously unattained. Now students were responding aloud in the thrill of the hunt. With more room in the I&R, faculty might have begun to lament the loss, yet promptly get too excited (pregnancies up from last week's fourteen). What else might a teacher expect to achieve when nary one wolf was left to be seen?
Sophomore Freence Gladland asserts her student rights to buck heads against I&R technician Ronelt Duralle. 
For the foreseeable future, students won't be around for undetermined circumstance, now nor never. With so many grey spots, what better use of the I&R than as a breeding ground for bitter birds? Some very appalling behavior.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wesdventures Begin: Back in Session - All New for 2012

One fact allvry wolf may agree on is this: kids can get a little hectic. No less did this hold true for the new year, effective immediately. With the notebooks gathered and the backpack to spare, few are better set to start anew. Niles campus has graciously agreed to match ticket sales in contribution to West Knows: The Cub for Caring. Autumn 2012 is set to double rates to next year. All wolves and other creeds might take part in the annual West Does Care westival, celebrating those less fortunate than most.
Juinors Teaguen Howtheard and  Jonce Toupton display our Niles Greatwest fears: compassion.
For too long and too many was west experienced in all the best. But now, in the times are tough and the community growing, junior Jonce Toupton cares to share his side of the story.

"I wasn't a stranger to higher fortune. This much I know. But I realized the look on my face was all I needed. I decided some wolfs, even among us, could love to take in on the fun. So now, I proudly presented my newest yet true to the heart. It was only fair," claims Toupton.

The reason for the season is not to be overlooked, not now and surely for the next few. Many sophomores too are in the know, and only to realize their being unfit to thrive. Regardless of fortune, most end up lost. 
Sophomore  Heull Gihsadi's selfish exploits will go unpunished. 
Many however do share what they can. This isn't to say iles has was lacking. The newly founded West Knows committee also intends to donate no more than fifteen. This is surely a welcome change for the wolfpack less gifted.

All things considered, the autumn had too much potential unchecked. All gone to waste, wolves may only grieve the lost time and resources.