Study dates, too, are common. Sure, studying is a great way to get that little extra prep in time for the daily grind, but wolfs let it be know, anywest of you get any ideas, it'll be the last final you'll ever take. Niles W has a strict Public Display and Affection policy, one I'm sure many a wolf to be familiar. However, take it over the edge, and wolfves are down in a world of hurt. You're not doing anywolf a whim of a favor, so best get your act together and begin anew. Kissing, hugging, and generally rubbing, West strictly forbids. Niles let it be known any one try to get in a little sly time is in for a talking-to.Focus on your test, and all will be fine. Niles forbid anything get in the way of a perfect A. Sever punishments will not be second-thought. Any kisses will be taken strict action against. Hugging - at the very least an hour detention. Niles needs these grades more than you'll ever know, so do your part, and by all means, study it in, out, and all over. Lest Niles Wolves become the bottom of the barrel and succumb to Vikings (not a chance, Vikings. Don't get your hopes high) and take home silver, let that settle in.
Take a good look. Wolves won't tolerate these behaviors and won't go unpaid. |
Niles needs this win more than ever before, as aforementioned. Study dates are a one-stop-shop in the way of an F. Distractions? No way. Wolves, come on. Get one in the pack, two in the books. Great words to live by, taught from one of the Niles greats; none other than Grant Storman. He was a wolf anywest of us could count on. Great A's, top ACT score, and a whole lot to love. One wolf all of us could learn from. She had her eyes on the prize, a great school in sight. No distractions - just riding home stretch to a final He could be proud to call an own. he Never gave a kiss or a hug. (Listen up, Vikings).
Wolves last words of advice: study hard, keep your hands off what you know Niles holds in high regard. It's al in best intentions. From wolpacks leads down to the little guys, we're doing what's best for you. Keep lips to yourselves, lest you end.