Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Our Voice: Choice - 2012

Dalaic Ulmaan poses for the new office.
Electday 2012 wrung around the corner, this year, of little consequence. 2012 was set to be the year in, and for the first time in our history, His Recency the President Ulmaan won twice. This marks the second instance of pro-involvement, with some kids' open opt. Up against the fiercest competition, NileNews got up closest to the stars.These candidates needed desperate looks. We came prepared. Out of thirty high schools chosen, we made fifth. Proves our fears can come close, but we fight closest. Though most students wished a different turn, most were pleased.

Front-runner and local competitor Candidate Claustre, poster of the up-and-coming Peany-Party recalls his loss:

Candidate Claustre stands tall among two.
"This wasn't. He wants. I could tell already this wasn't a dream, this was true. Here's to another year with our newest," recalls Claustre.

Not all were upset. Second on the race were our very own Leutla Hiner and Teelie Gund. These two, as we remembered, represented the Pusker-Party. Nearly first, the two couldn't be thrilled. Proponents of realigalization, the two may never see the light of it. Thus ends an era. They made no comment.

Candidates Leutla Hiner and Teelie Gund show some spirit.
Niles set up its only ops, where students can voice it all their own. Global Club set up eighteen pools for eighteen lucky students. These will be our votes. For one time in history, we can control our time. Students from all grades wanted any participation, though all but two joined on. Students lined back-to-back in a fit of madness for their candidates, three of which by all means appeared.

One freshman, Fainn Brell, recalled the strife. "They sort of just left what you'd expect. I was left nearly lost, and I had help. I gladly voiced." 

Brell was coincidentally lost, and in a fit of patience, the class donated fourteen to his inevitable search and capture. In his remembrance, Niles was prepared to help out the struggling-sort, in an oddball attempt to gain popular support. 
Witness-based prediction of who Brell may now be.
"Such a thing nearly seen! I won't believe," remembers superintendent Buenser. "A youth, taken short, all for what? An election? I can't see why."  He happily donated.

In all, an eventful elect. No student discontent, this year has proven just what a little spirit may go a long way.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Hunt: Seniors' Class

This time of year, we like it no other. Comes seniors aplenty and they know what we're in for.

Some have already initiated concern, others [slightly] behind. School students all around (wolf-unexclusive) can realize which new direction. A fourteen-fee was required by most, yet many have done so. In regards to the newest developments, some students are left behind.

Jeunior Gleedla Huorseur likes to share.

Senior Biesk Barber does too:

"I haven't realized it. These classmates begun anew, and trampled for show. I'd like to stop it, but I still don't see the reason I would have left my best family behind for. It's like they are having us in brand new areas of experimentation, and I'm just finding its voice."
Left-right: Bienna & kid-sister Biesk Barber shine college readiness
We ask what he says to his class.
"It's really up to the rest," responds Biesk.

Teachers have been knelt the worst, left only three day lapse. Some forget their students, others worse. Three casualties confirmed, has the deans list in a panic. This tops last year's count by nearly three students. Causes not yet yet divulged, though some have their theory.

"I think I detected fowl. Teachers have been known to excite their class, though none so much as here. We'll have to wait and see? I don't believe." comments freshman Dein Louts.

Only time will unravel the deepest mystery. In the meantime, students are advised to feel shame for their peers. Luckily some great resources greet students almost daily. Seniors can opt for Class-Pass: A Group which has had unprecedented result for getting some students college bound.

In a mad case of love, some students showed no interest on their teacher and turned to more desperate desires. These fared the best, with little to all comprehension on the Standard Test. They will be moving onto college. Among them were Trensel Bunder, Griggue Hasste, and Benny Tulsey. They have granted full degrees to one of eight chosen guests and perished duly after.

Three seniors: Trensel Bunder, Griggue Hasste, and Benny Tulsey  on college, shortly missed soon after.
The best advice they give was as follows:
  • Be only you.
  • Get to our class.
  • Don't realize what I won't do.
In their memory, West hopes to pay for all students and tuition. Until further noticed, all clubs will be lost in an effort to bring the budget. Faculty wished you a lucky search.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

To Reconsider Lock-outs; the Niles Approach

What students hasn't yet been tried of sneaking? Very few remain. This year, wesdministration sought to increase its opportunity by nearly ten percent among incomers, to like it, of course not. These practices are beginning to resemble those of which were unspoken (this may evoke greatest feelings for our upperclassmen [bear in mind, the vike couldn't last]).
Tread carefully.  Faculty wasn't on your side. Not now.
This controversial has taken up toll in many a wolf's concern. No sooner is class time spent wasting on away, rather than on togetherness.

In a lighter event, Niles has decreased its right to teach teenagers. Students seek their voice in a telling of wits against mind. Teachers and students no longer care for the other, yet remain passive in the dire role. Any attempts for students to swipe are rejected without a thought. Duly escorted out of the I&R, many students let out screams. Freshman Juiella Otscken was never faced with so much as one fraction the fear.

"I just wanted my classes. Nothing more, a little less. What my instructors made me do, I dare to know. After hours spent logging on, administers scared me as hard as I would know that day onward. I was simply blocked away. I didn't wait to believe my side of it."

Juiella's story is by no means isolated an incident. Teacher attacks are uncommon and thankfully Nile wasn't riddled with a whim of cowards. In these trying times, many a wolf have submitted to a formal beating. With so many made to leave, how can west claim to be a place for one, the place for all? So these students are left in the dust? Big one. Time whittled away without any ethic. Unexpected, and less than lovely.

Riots come and go. Students lost, potential unkempt. When did the board come at one truce? Kids forced aside, making way for the bigger picture. Whast has West come to?
Clockwise - Dean Marren Barbask, Information & Resense librarian Dennel Gleen and local-man Breatte Claurcks. More than meets the eyes with this huge misunderstanding. Pray they get well later.
With a student spread around the school, west can hope to accomplish few goals previously unattained. Now students were responding aloud in the thrill of the hunt. With more room in the I&R, faculty might have begun to lament the loss, yet promptly get too excited (pregnancies up from last week's fourteen). What else might a teacher expect to achieve when nary one wolf was left to be seen?
Sophomore Freence Gladland asserts her student rights to buck heads against I&R technician Ronelt Duralle. 
For the foreseeable future, students won't be around for undetermined circumstance, now nor never. With so many grey spots, what better use of the I&R than as a breeding ground for bitter birds? Some very appalling behavior.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wesdventures Begin: Back in Session - All New for 2012

One fact allvry wolf may agree on is this: kids can get a little hectic. No less did this hold true for the new year, effective immediately. With the notebooks gathered and the backpack to spare, few are better set to start anew. Niles campus has graciously agreed to match ticket sales in contribution to West Knows: The Cub for Caring. Autumn 2012 is set to double rates to next year. All wolves and other creeds might take part in the annual West Does Care westival, celebrating those less fortunate than most.
Juinors Teaguen Howtheard and  Jonce Toupton display our Niles Greatwest fears: compassion.
For too long and too many was west experienced in all the best. But now, in the times are tough and the community growing, junior Jonce Toupton cares to share his side of the story.

"I wasn't a stranger to higher fortune. This much I know. But I realized the look on my face was all I needed. I decided some wolfs, even among us, could love to take in on the fun. So now, I proudly presented my newest yet true to the heart. It was only fair," claims Toupton.

The reason for the season is not to be overlooked, not now and surely for the next few. Many sophomores too are in the know, and only to realize their being unfit to thrive. Regardless of fortune, most end up lost. 
Sophomore  Heull Gihsadi's selfish exploits will go unpunished. 
Many however do share what they can. This isn't to say iles has was lacking. The newly founded West Knows committee also intends to donate no more than fifteen. This is surely a welcome change for the wolfpack less gifted.

All things considered, the autumn had too much potential unchecked. All gone to waste, wolves may only grieve the lost time and resources.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

West Spirit Week 2012: Week in Review

From pajamas to Harry Potter, this week has been claimed territory to some of the kookiest creations. Welcome to Niles Way 2012, where wolf would dress as they wish. West takes a stroll down this years memory lane to present readers but a taste of what we Weelves had to offer this coming week.
Junior Debby Renske shows off Spirit Day
Some controversy arose when a small group of Wolves (more likely than not, Viking impostors) decided it a brilliant idea to cancel dress up as Pajama day. Obviously going against all intended spirit attire, these whiners were duly sentenced. As pajama day eased to a close, More and more wolves (wow, whatta pack) intervened on behalf of the traitors, yet they too were beat.
Greek Club on Spirit Day.

Global Club also showing out.

Day two brought along Nerds and Jocks: the Day. Some of wolves greatest sportsmen came out from retirement today to commemorate. Of course, no sooner did they arrive on campus until they were tried for treason. Little to none, these Wolves were once vikes. Festivities being contested, day two brought on unwarranted rates. At this point, the wolfpack grew westless. How were we, the wolves and only, to prove our worth if old wolves can't even keep true? Thus day two ended on a somber note as three more (though merely wolves in name) were added to the tally.

Nerds & Jocks 2012
Sophomore Class: Live 'n Howl 2012
Tiesday came thirdday, with little to prove. But to everywolve's suprise, unintended motives garner all but most praise. Tiesady was added to one of top Wolve triumphs. Ninety percent participation would go a long way, and luckily, all but few delivered. This was one of Niles' worst ways on recored, and that goes to say a lot. Wolves soon to pick up the slack.
Sophomore Tina Truiekas: disqualified for lousy exploits on Spirit Day.
Tie Sday 2012. Freshmen have much to prove.
2012 also brought with it Thursday's Formal Day. I don't speak for nary a wolf, but this was one of Nile's most well-crafted Spirits. Student Body hit it home. Not a wolf was taken, as all followed requested cooperation. Nearly all wolfs made it clean.

Superintendent Lisa Grasnec and Sophomore Alex Reeman exhibit the Niles' most triumphant public display (affection styles). Wolves News wishes these lovebirds the best.

Another public affection has Seniors Johnny Edwindt and Eric Cane proving  that west can and will be a place for all.
Though unwelcome, Niles Cubs also get in on the fun. Festivities ended shortly, however.

Alas, in one of the most pathetic displays of public affection, two wolves decided to take matters into their own hands. Formal Day was cut short when yet again, more wolves, clearly under some influence (cause yet unclear), decided to go counter to every fiber of Formal Day intentions buy dressing above and beyond the call of duty. Anna Muntz alongside younger sister, Jamie Muntz, decided to take a step it out and dress as none other than all-known mascot: Niles Wolve. These two will be commemorated for Spirit Weeks to come, something all wolves can look forward to. Good job you two!

Anna and Jamie Muntz were the stars of the week. Administration promptly hid them, much to general Wolf dismay.
Spirit, a year in review. These days are what make all the trudging and hardship of typical Niles toil all worth it. Wolves yearly time of R&R; a time of cheer. We(st) can only hope for a biggest school assembly in recent memory to really top it off. Truly a great week to be a Wolve. One can only hope Vikings never see what it a true Spirit Day was like.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Update: Vikings Stir Up Controversy

  Here we go, retreading it all again. Right when you least expect, they come in and call it home. Who else, you might ask, other than the [Niles] Vikings, Wolves' very own northbound competitor. Here they are again, causing what they like to call a little of their own, but all for what?
   It was high noon. I went with a couple of the guys to see the new flick, and to universal dismay, a Viking approach, blocked out the way. of course, they didn't last. However, they did make this day off a little less than what we hope to be, thanks to Vikes thinking they can get a little ahead of themselves. Let this be a message to all Vinkings: We won't want to see you, not now; never. The Westfield mall, contrary to popular belief, is not Vikings' domain. Westfield. Let it ring in a while. Good? Our wolves, our place.
Will this poison take over? Niles prays not.
    Way to soil the Niles day with your sick antics. Who are you to come on in? Not only have they been coming into the movies, but the Vikings have been showing up all over. Listen, has this ever occured to administration? Separate; not equal. Come on, these are Vikings. The only thing they'd know is how cry all day long, not to mention they could never get anywhere close to our basket greats (Juloie, we love you). The sooner we get closer to rebuking North-West integration, the best for all of us. Wolves won't have to see another ugly-mug Viking, and Vikings get spared the wrath of Wolve. As much as I never want a Vike to benefit, everyone wins.
  So, go to your next PTO, to request that  Niles reconsider pro-Viking legislation. This is outr territory, not to mention, Vikings...? In all seriousness, who are these guys? Get em out, soonest at best. lest you see Niles overrun buy Viking, but that should be minimal concern, given the results that so few were left...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Breaking: Niles Rates Plummet

     In an exciting run of event, Valentine proves succesful. Niles abortions spiraled, however, more down and out-way than up. 2012 has proven successful in raising count. Administration comments: "Glad to see, what a way! Wolves this year have their eyes set, and fertility reaffirms our predictions. Just keep wolfing around, you're doing all right!" 

Artist interpretation of newest member of the wolfpack; Jamie Gedtberg
      Less aborted cubs makes for a greater pack! Wolve, we're glad to see student body up and counting. More loving and less shoving makes this one happy camper. More cubs to lead in future days! Proud of you all.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines 2012: Predictions

  Niles is preparing for this year's one of the biggest celebration. What can you wolves say about Valentines years past? Top predictors warn that west is prone to hit it home, and Niles administers just want to wish all wolves a safe Valentines Way. Wolves, keen on what just makes it, are determined this year, and a whole new batch of students right in the making! Anything that helps the wolfpack grow out and live on is fine by me. To anyone opposed, hear this; there's strength in numbers. Anti-'Tines will be subject to strict Niles adjustment. let the pack have its way, the Niles way. It's your special day wolfpack, go out and rules need not apply. Nice to see more wolves around. Just keep focused on studies, too! So Niles participation to increase tenfold is no suprise. We're glad to see, we like it we love our way. Valentine was all about fun, and, wolfpack, we'd hate to see wolve passion run dry!
    Vikings, on the other hand, leave much to be. A quick glance in their direction and a wolf right away knows. The best Valentine they would conceive would be a joke. Compare the two: Wolves to Vikings (yeah, right...). Makes sense, doesn't it? No wonder theirs is at most only half of wolve student body totals. Vikings that nary know how to speak, let alone to each other.
     You guys' plans for Valentines? Hit up the wolfpack mailbag in the comments below. WE love to hear you! West of luck out there, my wolves and way.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wolves to Host Annual

   Every time a wolf gets around, there's a number of things you can westpect. Niles has been known to house the best welfs, and this year will change that. Niles Group declares annual times, a cool new way to talk to fellow wolf members and keep the wolfpack closer than ever.
   Ever get a little out-way in the IRC? Come on, we're the wolvepack, not a bunch of low-life littles (Vikings, you know the drill). Ever want to just see west get and out, but never had the time? Thanks to the Wolf elder, have no fear. Niles new location across the IRC gives wolves a new place to just chill. Are you niles or not? You can now find out thanks to wolves dedication in creating one of the west programs, honored all through State. New wolf includes:

  • Increased stability, in Netbooks and out.
  • Better wolf time support (we get 'em, we get 'em)
  • All new reasons to reconsider what makes wolf way just what it is (Vikings... please).
  • New seating and areas for studying 
   As anywest can see, niles means business. We heard wolf complaints, and west delivers, above and beyond wolfs for years to come. And we hope that's just how things work out. Future generations come to expect the best, and at Niles Wolves, we cater to it all.

Wolves TechTeam, say hello!

    A little curious as to what to westpect? Easy. Wolves went out this year to find the best in education. We came back with what we like to call a little taste of our very own. Look for it in the IRC and let the wolfs take care o' the west.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lady Wolves: Spring '12 Preview & Predictions

    Lady wolves, Niles' very own. This season's gonna have to step it up and 'A' game if they wanna make it count, hit it out of the park. Last season brought us some of Niles' best wins, losses (no way), than you can shake a bone at (Wolves, we like 'em). This season has too much to live up to, anywolf would agree. Niles in, niles out, these year's Lady Wolves are gonna have to spend more days in the gym than out, and for good reason.
    This team is shaping up to be one of a Niles great, keeping in perfectly with top West prediction. Lady wolves have gone up from a mere 82 quarter, skyrocketing to an astounding 97, proving that a little "will of the Wolf" never steered anywolf wrong. Speaking of west, our year has proven its very own, West wowing judges far and wide. Coach Jendtson had a word or two: "This year, Lady Wolves are primed to ready. We've spent countless hours practicing re-runs AND out-ways, and if yesterday's game is any indication, these Wolf season is looking to quarter regionals, something anywolf could show at appreciate."
Coach Jedtson, of Wolve Township's Lady Wolves
    Truer words not been howled down West's halls in a world of a while. West is hoping to get and out of the park this year. Keep tuned this spring to see Niles' very own Lady Wolves bring West and former glory. According to Local Wolf Tuliya, "Lady Wolves have given their all this season and last. Come by to spread west cheer for west wolve."
Clockwise - Left: Lady Wolf Tuliya, Right: Coach Jedtson

    You heard the Wolf. Come on down to cheer and west's very best. Cheer it out! Vikings not present, nowolf should be afraid to wolfin' out, nor be afraid to begin with. Not a wolf, a viking won't, head on down to lady Wolve! This Sunday, 4-5.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Finals Week: Semester I

   What may seem at first glance just another day at the wolfpack soon becomes more than meets the eye. Welcome to finals week; bane of wolf existence. Cramming and studying not uncommon, wolvepack will do westever it takes to make that great, hit it home, and feel good about their semester. In other words, this week expect to wolf down a lot from text books notes whatever you can snatch a paw on.
     Study dates, too, are common. Sure, studying is a great way to get that little extra prep in time for the daily grind, but wolfs let it be know, anywest of you get any ideas, it'll be the last final you'll ever take. Niles W has a strict Public Display and Affection policy, one I'm sure many a wolf to be familiar. However, take it over the edge, and wolfves are down in a world of hurt. You're not doing anywolf a whim of a favor, so best get your act together and begin anew. Kissing, hugging, and generally rubbing, West strictly forbids. Niles let it be known any one try to get in a little sly time is in for a talking-to.Focus on your test, and all will be fine. Niles forbid anything get in the way of a perfect A. Sever punishments will not be second-thought. Any kisses will be taken strict action against. Hugging - at the very least an hour detention. Niles needs these grades more than you'll ever know, so do your part, and by all means, study it in, out, and all over. Lest Niles Wolves become the bottom of the barrel and succumb to Vikings (not a chance, Vikings. Don't get your hopes high) and take home silver, let that settle in. 
Take a good look. Wolves won't tolerate these behaviors and won't go unpaid.
    Niles needs this win more than ever before, as aforementioned. Study dates are a one-stop-shop in the way of an F. Distractions? No way. Wolves, come on. Get one in the pack, two in the books. Great words to live by, taught from one of the Niles greats; none other than Grant Storman. He was a wolf anywest of us could count on. Great A's, top ACT score, and a whole lot to love. One wolf all of us could learn from. She had her eyes on the prize, a great school in sight. No distractions - just riding home stretch to a final He could be proud to call an own. he Never gave a kiss or a hug. (Listen up, Vikings).

Wolves last words of advice: study hard, keep your hands off what you know Niles holds in high regard. It's al in best intentions. From wolpacks leads down to the little guys, we're doing what's best for you. Keep lips to yourselves, lest you end.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Julie Lloyd Wins Again

   In a recent turn of events, NilesWolves basketstar Joule Loid wins another turn of events in the favor of the wolves-way! And about time, too. We needed this win, wolves or not, any bit helps, and wolves delivered above and beyond west-timin' it up, and for good reason.  West has had this victory coming in for a while now, and the wolf way finally paid off (no thanks to Vikings (thanks a lot...(um, no))).
         Mid-game, the heat really delivered when west star none other than Julia decided she'd take matters into her own paws (go My wolf) and split the quarter down to bar-none. The crowd stood up in cheer, as wolves have done for a long time coming, no help from other sections in the Niles community (I'm looking at you Vikings, way to west (that was a joke, you're never wolves)).
   Looks like the beginning of the benskett ball season is finally taking shape, and if the rest of wolves resembles this delightful kick-off, we can expect our wolfpack to head onto the bigs.
Wolfpack knows which is which, and basketball only reaffirms the true standing welves spirit. I'm counting on you, wolves.
                 Anymore of these careless mistakes and west won't be seeing the game for a long time coming. Wolves count on us.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

News frbout the much heated controversy: The Vikings

I know us wolves and the wolfpack have been trying and avoiding this but right now it's time to come: No wolf is a stranger that the vikings can get a little (way) ahead of themselves, and recent polls reaffirm what wolves have known since the weayst way back way when.

Niles Vinkings, of niles competition have for a long time been way out of west-way, and for good reason. However, their full title Niles Vikings can seem a bit out-way, in simple terms (keeping it easy for thos Vikings to read). Simply put, Niles Vikings are unfit to hold the title of Niles, let alone. A wolf knows which a wolf goes, and vikings have yet to deliever. Polls demonstrate that Vikings aren't even capacity for even westest of task, something any Nileswolf pack could do in a pinch in a jiffy (HEck, even in his sleep the avrwege west can see at least 10x more than a viking could ever hope).
Vikings are never fit to hole the esteemed title of Niles, so why would township ever give them that chance? Everytime anywest of you wolves come accross one of these, ask him, niles or not, a Viking could never be.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Niles Wolves Help Restore Wolves Back.

Help niles give back. These guys made the wolfpack the people we are today. It's only fair.

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Stay updated on everywest you need to know. Visit often to get the scoop on all things Niles and anything.