Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines 2012: Predictions

  Niles is preparing for this year's one of the biggest celebration. What can you wolves say about Valentines years past? Top predictors warn that west is prone to hit it home, and Niles administers just want to wish all wolves a safe Valentines Way. Wolves, keen on what just makes it, are determined this year, and a whole new batch of students right in the making! Anything that helps the wolfpack grow out and live on is fine by me. To anyone opposed, hear this; there's strength in numbers. Anti-'Tines will be subject to strict Niles adjustment. let the pack have its way, the Niles way. It's your special day wolfpack, go out and rules need not apply. Nice to see more wolves around. Just keep focused on studies, too! So Niles participation to increase tenfold is no suprise. We're glad to see, we like it we love our way. Valentine was all about fun, and, wolfpack, we'd hate to see wolve passion run dry!
    Vikings, on the other hand, leave much to be. A quick glance in their direction and a wolf right away knows. The best Valentine they would conceive would be a joke. Compare the two: Wolves to Vikings (yeah, right...). Makes sense, doesn't it? No wonder theirs is at most only half of wolve student body totals. Vikings that nary know how to speak, let alone to each other.
     You guys' plans for Valentines? Hit up the wolfpack mailbag in the comments below. WE love to hear you! West of luck out there, my wolves and way.


  1. The Niles way is here to stay! All valentines be accepted: mines.

  2. Vikings don't know the way, they're all like "No, never fuck me," and wolves know the true way. If it's one thing we know, it's a lot more than that. I can't wait to see all the new cubs out way and up. Go and love for all and for us!

  3. As a black man, I fully appreciative your efforts to move forward the valentines agenda. MAY your blog prosper inwards forever. Another thing though, in what manners ways do you think I should ask my bloody Valentine to the wolves west valentines bash. I wad thinking of bringing it to my cellar and shoe her the time, but not at all before I ask her by a fireside chats, featuring my boy rob Kennedy. Do you think this is good for us. Please give input. I need it. BAD. ( to the bone) lol, best regards.

    Tronston McDabruckadhaw Jackson
